Learn guitar at any age from Mallik Sir's Guitar classes
Whatever your age, it is possible for you to learn to play the guitar. It's never too late for you to learn some guitar chords to perform your favorite musical tunes and songs - and it's never too late to learn chord shapes and to study guitar tabs.
You can learn guitar at any age, as long as you’re motivated, committed, and you create the time to practice.
Mallik Sir's guitar classes in Borivali offers course that include :
Basic Guitar playing
Intermediate / Advanced / Professional
Lead Guitar / Chords / Bass Guitar
Reading/Writing of Music – Staff notation
Theory of Music
Singing (Solfegio)
Electric Guitar Techniques
Students are also thoroughly trained for Grade Exams / Diploma / Fellowship Exams of
Trinity College of Music, London (TCL)
Royal Academy of Music London (RAM)
London College of Music London (LCM)
Thames Valley University London
We offer the following services for our guitar class borivali Mallik Sir's guitar class in Borivali offers training for international grade and fellowship exams Home coaching in guitar from Mallik Sir's guitar classes in Borivali Mallik Sir's guitar classes in Borivali offer extensive guitar training We provide world-class guitar classes in Borivali to meet your unique requirements
Our Services
International certification in Guitar instruction
Private training in Borivali
Extensive training in guitar classes in Borivali
Guitar training classes from Mallik Sir